JiBX binding definitions offer many options beyond what I've covered here. 除了我已经介绍的那些选项之外,JiBX绑定定义还提供了许多其它选项。
Fearing bankruptcy, Carbolic argued the advert was not to be taken as a serious, legally binding offer. 由于担心破产,石炭酸争辩的广告并没有被作为一个严重的,具有法律约束力的要约。
Gateway has right of first refusal to Packard Bell's holding company and last month made a binding offer. Gateway对是否成为PackardBell的控股公司有优先取舍权,并于上月提出了有约束力的报价。
The order placed by the orderer is a binding offer to conclude a licence agreement relating to the information ordered, irrespective of whether the order is communicated orally, electronically or in writing. 不论订购方是以口头形式还是电子或书面形式订购,订购方所做的订购具有法律约束效力,据此须订立与所订购信息相关的许可证协议。
A binding agreement is created upon acceptance by the student of the offer of a place at the school and the payment of the course tuition. 学生接受本校所给位置,即达成有约束力的协议,并需缴付学费。
A quotation in not legally binding thought it contains some qualifying words which function as firm offer do. 报价并不具有法律约束力,尽管它也像实盘那样用某些字斟句酌的语言。